Backgrounds are the main key in designing. There are many types of backgrounds such as abstract backgrounds, textured backgrounds, blured backgrounds, gradient backgrounds, vector backgrounds, rough backgrounds and many more. We use the backgrounds according to the need of designs.
Uiconstock is the best shop of social media icons, psds, vectors, mock-ups, backgrounds and many more for designers, bloggers, developers and designs & arts lovers.
Today uiconstock designed a 6 unique and professional flat creative backgrounds. Every designer and bloggers can be easily use these backgrounds according to their designs. Now a days there has become a custom to design a flat designs and icons. So i designed the flat backgrounds according to the need of hours. These files can be easily download in Ai format.
Premium Version for only $ 10.00
Available Format:Â Vector (.ai)Â file (White/Dark Backgrounds )
File Size:Â (1024 x 1024 pixels) (Editable for Large Scale)
License:Â Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License