What is Resume or CV:
After completion degree or college program every designer or artist in the world used to seek jobs for their professional career. For this purpose to introduce themselves in the market or professional field, they should have or use the simple source of paper that is called the secret weapon or some secret ingredient, which show or represent the identity of a designer or artist or any person in the world. That secret paper or weapon is called “Resume or CV“.
We can divide the resume or cv into two parts or classification. First one is belong to the fresh and intermediate designers, artist or IT person, who complete his professional degree or program and want to see his first job or some kind of internship program that lead or became him more professional in the market and battle field. Such class of resume simply having the information such as personal information, academic information, residence information, hobbies, program or degree, awards or positions etc. These all information have the intermediate  kind or class of persons, artists or designers.
Second class belong to experienced people who had a very professional experience of 2 to 5 years. Such kind or class of resume or cv have the different kind of information. Some date of information belong to intermediate resume, such as personal information, academic information, residence information, hobbies, program or degree, awards or positions and additionally information are professional experience, company name, designation, progress, achievements, promotions etc.
Today i share with you the 5 Free Extremely Professional Resume Templates Collection 2014. These resume or professional cv templates are collected from different websites. These are absolutely free collection of resume designs. You can make changes especially designers, according to the situations or desire.
Just grab Professional Online Resume & CVÂ and enjoy.
Free Creative Ingenious Resume Template Design in 3 Colors:
How to Download: Use just click the “Visit Download Page”. A new website is open for download. For download purpose, you should fill all the desired information for download. Fill the small form for your information and get the desired Resume or CV.
Freebie Professional Resume & cover letter
Free Sketch Resume Template
One Page Resume Website Template
 Free Awesome Resume Template For Designers