Today i would like to share with you the most interesting post by the name of 25 Awesome Creative Packaging Designs Inspiration 2014. This post having the most awesome and interesting creative packaging designs that force us to think about the creative approach and make feel us funny and interesting.
Mostly packaging designs are used in beverages, milk, drinks, cold drinks, brands, perfume boxes and many more. The packaging design are the main task for the designers to create a creative and professional packaging design for their customer’s brands, that make feel them creative, elite, interesting and funny & also for the people, because the audience judgement about the product is very compulsory for the brands.
So keep scroll the post and enjoy the creative awesome ideas.
1) Honey Made By Bees
2) Kokeshi Matchsticks
3) Zen Perfume
4) Kiss: Fruit and Vegetable Puree
5) “City Harvest” Grocery Bag
6) Moustache Paintbrushes
7) Green Berry Tea
8) Juicy Juice Boxes
9) Mini Oliva Olive Oil
10) Blood of Grapes Wine Bottle
11) Fruit Juice Packaging
12) Pink Glasses Wine Bottles
13) Butter! Better!
14) Smirnoff Caipiroska
15) Note Headphones
16) Coffin-Shaped Cigarette Case
17) Origami Beer
18) Beehive Honey Squares
19) Creative Japanese Pastry Packaging
20) Fishing Boat Water Bottle
21) Gnome Bread Packaging
22) Whitebites Dog Snacks
23) NYC Spaghetti
24) Ford Ranger Extreme: Matchbox
25) Tea Hangers
Credit: Viral Bang