These are huge collection of fonts in 2015. I have never seen such kind of extraordinary fonts. Some fonts belong to 2014 year, but these fonts are on lead and never be neglect in 2015, because these fonts are awesome. This collection of fonts can be use in many design, communication design and campaign projects. Because this huge collection of fonts having different styles and categories, some are serif font, some are sans serif font, some are slab serif font, some are script font, we can say that this is a complete range of fonts that are use in design industry in the world. To download the required font click on the “Font Name” or image.
50+ Free Latest Fonts For Graphic Designers 2015:
Berlin Font:
Berlin is a gathering of presentation text styles enlivened by the exemplary geometric typefaces from ahead of schedule a century ago. It includes (as such) four forms, every one in three weights: consistent, strong & X-striking.
Brasilia Font:
Brasilia was outlined as a feature of Multi Collective marking undertaking. As Brasilia (the city) itself, it holds an old-present day plan. It comes in six variants: Regular (with shadows), Condensed, Extended, in addition to two levels of the abbreviated variant.
Canberra Font:
All-tops textual style initially intended for a progression of notices. The brief was to bring something propelled by the old carnivals letters in order. It is deliberately unpredictable, and paying little mind to the fresh diagrams, it is implied look like hand painted signage.
Chelsea Sans Serif Font:
Chelsea is a sans-serif form of London. The fundamental structure stays unaltered. Some minor modification were just required with a specific end goal to save the intelligibility. It highlights four styles, three of them can be overlayed and the fourth has some unpretentious bends in the corners.
Delhi Font:
Some piece of the marking for an inventive gathering in India. It boldly enlivened by the flawless workmanship deco time. It’s all tops, with some inconspicuous option lower cases.
Havana Font:
In the past known as Colibri (hummingbird, in Spanish), it is a piece of my first-continually marking task, appointed by a companion who claimed a fledgling shop. It has a particular structure and it comes (as such) 4 styles: Regular, Rounded, Italics & Regular Shadows.
London Black MT Font:
London is motivated by and based upon the fantastic Bodoni (Black MT), with real modification on the circles, ears, goads and general width. It comes in two renditions (Regular and Fill).
Madrid Font:
Madrid is the first endeavor for a custom typographic logo for a style retailer. Despite the fact that the customer and I enjoyed the textual style, we finished with a more slender alternative. Regardless, I did my typical and completed the outline of the full set.
Modular Font:
Particular letters in order enlivened by the tan-gram perplexes. It comes in strong, plots and overlayed renditions.
Stockholm Font:
ld and strong geometric text style, at first considered as a variety to Oslo. It comes in three renditions: Monospaced (making utilization of Oslo’s essential structure), Sans Serif & Slab. It’s all tops with narrower lower cases.
Oslo Font:
Oslo & Oslo II are light monospaced typefaces. Both have their own arrangement of numbers, unique characters and accentuation. In spite of the fact that the text style is essential expected to be all tops, Oslo II is highlighted as lower case to Oslo.
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