Today i designed the free corporate business card template design. This business card is designed in illustrator. All the design is editable, vector format.
Business cards are normally designed in a specific size which is 3.5×2 inches. This is the standard size of any business card design in the world. Somewhere and some people uses the business card size of 3×2.5 or somewhere is 3×2.25. But the standard size of business card design is 3.5×2 inches.
Business card shows the corporate identity of any person or any company in the world. A normal business card design having the following information such as Name of a person, designation, mobile number, contact address, company logo etc.
The color scheme of business card design is used to be suggest in CYMK format. This CYMK is the process printing format. This format is used to be printed by any printer in the world and easily.
The material which is suggested for a business card, is card or hard card. The thickness of card for business card design is 300 g, 260 g, 210 g etc. Some people want to give their business card design a professional and elite look, so they use the texture card, (which having a lot of categories) for their business cards.
Feel free to download and enjoy.
Free Business Card Design Template
Free Business Card Template Design  Version:
Available Size:Â 3.5×2 inches
License:Â Free for personal use only + (Link Back to this Business Card Design)
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